Empower Now

What's better than empowering yourself and breaking taboos and shameful topics that limit you, judge you and offer views that simply don't correspond with the truth? BOLDred starts there! Let's break these taboos, deal openly with topics such as menstruation, sexual organs, sex education and our bodies and finally break down and question cultural contexts! Who created these? Who benefits from this? What do these contexts do to us?
Here you will find initial questions and assumptions that need to be broken down! And answers that will hopefully stimulate rethinking!
Do you see it the same way? Feel free to leave comments too!
be BOLD about your red!

strawberry week?!

We definitely don't menstruate strawberries! This term is used colloquially to refer to menstruation without saying it directly. But why? Menstruation and menstrual blood is the most normal thing in the world. So let's name it as that too. Let's start with menstruation or menstrual period, even periods alone are much better than associating our periods with strawberries. Don't you think so?

M-E-N-S-T-R-U-A-T-I-O-N! Period!

Will be exhibited during the workshop "Can you draw a vulva", which is part of the Empower Now Art Event @ Impact Hub Berlin on November 10th, 2023. (Artwork produced for BOLDred by Anna Zocco 2023)

Who menstruates?

Do you know the answer? First of all, it's pretty simple: everyone who has a uterus, a vagina and a vulva menstruates. Your own identity is initially irrelevant. It's not about gender. It's about the sexual organs. However, there are also people who do not menstruate despite having a uterus, vagina and vulva. And the assumption that all women* menstruate is also not true. Not everyone who menstruates are women*. Period!

Will be exhibited during the workshop "Can you draw a vulva", which is part of the Empower Now Art Event @ Impact Hub Berlin on November 10th, 2023. (Artwork produced for BOLDred by Anna Zocco 2023)

Inside is VAGINA - outside is VULVA

VULVA refers to everything that is visible from the outside. Specifically, this means: mons pubis, clitoral bead, clitoral hood, large and small vulva lips, urethral exit and vagina entrance. Every VULVA looks a little different! Everyone, absolutely EVERYONE, is normal!

The VAGINA is internal and connects the VULVA to the uterus. The VAGINA is usually depicted with the uterus, but this leads us to refer to the entire organ as the VAGINA , which is categorically incorrect. The sexual organ consists of 3 individual parts:


Will be exhibited during the workshop "Can you draw a vulva", which is part of the Empower Now Art Event @ Impact Hub Berlin on November 10th, 2023. (Artwork produced for BOLDred by Anna Zocco 2023)

More than just a..."Scheide"

Do we really want to call it that? This word refers to cultural contexts (many of those that are truly medieval). But since so-called female sexuality was only associated with reproduction, it was reduced to a slot where something could be inserted. But she is so much more than that!

We're also naming it wrong! What is a penis for the so-called male sexual organ is the clirotis for the so-called female sexual organ. This wonderful organ has 8,000 nerve endings!

Will be exhibited during the workshop "Can you draw a vulva", which is part of the Empower Now Art Event @ Impact Hub Berlin on November 10th, 2023. (Artwork produced for BOLDred by Anna Zocco 2023)

Down there?!

Down there? Where? This statement also refers to the sexual organs. E.g. What happens down there simply means: What happens in the VULVA. Please let us call them by their real names:


Without shame and without taboo and embarrassment!

Will be exhibited during the workshop "Can you draw a vulva", which is part of the Empower Now Art Event @ Impact Hub Berlin on November 10th, 2023. (Artwork produced for BOLDred by Anna Zocco 2023)