Pay for a PERIOD

Since BOLDred is not just a simple shop, but is also committed to the goal of driving change in our society and profit should not benefit a few but many, BOLD red is committed to enabling menstruators in need and also menstruators who live on the street their FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS to receive menstrual products. They too are entitled to a dignified and carefree menstruation - regardless of their circumstances! This is what BOLDred is committed to. And you can help!

Bleed and do good - help us by either donating a product, or a free amount that is used to fund, collect and then pass on the products to organisations that tackle exaclty this gap!

Pay for a Period aka Period Bag

Each of these products helps menstruators who do not have access to menstrual products due to their circumstances. Be it for financial or other reasons. Help change this! Each of these labelled products are collected after ordering and then donated to institutions that do just that!

  • Mobile showers for homeless women* in Berlin

    The Duschmobil project enables homeless women to have a refreshing, warm shower and a dignified, personal break 6 days a week at 8 locations in Berlin. The mobile shower also provides hygiene products, clothing and snacks and provides support with advice and referrals.